• Deck Stairs are easy and quick to build and you can make the process even easier by asking the team at Decker’s Deck to help you install them. 

    You can use hardwood timber or composite decking for your deck stair treads. Deck stairs are typically made from stringers. Resting on solid foundations and attached to the decking with hangers.

    Measure your Height

    Lay your level on the top of your decking to find the total vertical height of your deck stairs, extending it out from the edge, then measure down to the landing location. This number will determine how many steps your deck stairs will have and the size of each step.

    Install Concrete Pad

    Form a simple frame to pour your concrete in. Make sure the concrete pad is wider than the width of your steps. Always follow the concrete manufacturer’s instructions on how to mix and prepare the concrete. 

    Cutting Stringers

    After you’ve calculated how many steps you will have in your deck staircase it’s time to cut the stringers. Using a right-angle framing square, draw your outlines on the boards before you cut. It doesn’t hurt to measure twice before cutting. You’ll need to mark out all of your number of steps required. It’s best to use a circular saw to cut your stringers. Once you have completed your first stringer, you can use it as a template to cut out your other remaining stringers.

    Attaching Stringers

    Cut your board to the width of your step to support the stringer. Use joist hangers or long decking screws to attach it to your decking. Attach a hanger to your stringer, placing it against the support board. A level will make sure your alignment is correct. Then using wood screws secure the hanger to your decking, making sure you secure the hanger on the inside of the stringer.

    Cutting Treads

    Finally cut your treads or steps with the correct length, fastening them to the stringers with long deck screws. Now you’re finished with your deck stairs. Deck stairs don’t generally require building permits, but may require handrails; please check with your local city’s building authority.


  • Deck Stair Calculator

    You’ll need the right calculations before getting started with your deck stairs. Deck stair terminology will help you get the measurements right and simplifying the process.

    Deck steps have the following key components:

    • Treads – horizontal boards that are used for footing of each step
    • Risers – boards covering the vertical distance between stair treads
    • Stringers – boards that run diagonally, on each side of the staircase. You fix treads and risers to these stringers, creating a stable structure for your staircase
    • Landing Pad – optional, but recommended part of your deck staircase. If your decking is already above a flat surface, concrete, or gravel, a landing pad may not be needed.

     Determining the rise and run of your deck steps, measuring the distance from the floor of your decking to the ground divide that number by 17.78cm. That will give you the number of steps your deck staircase will need. 

    Example: (Total rise is 71.12cm) Divide 70.36cm by 17.78cm (the ideal height of a step) You will have 4 steps at 17.78cm high.

    Calculating the rise height, divide the height in centimeters by the number of stairs. Your deck stairs length, multiply the number of steps your deck will have by the depth of the stairs. The standard depth of stair treads is 25cm. Using a deck stair calculator you will get your measurement parameters such as rise, run angle, and stringer length.

    If you’d like to learn how to build stairs call the team at Decker’s Deck Toronto.

    Deck height greater than 24in (twenty-four inches) above grade but less than 5 feet 10 in required Railing 36 in high railing

  • Deck height greater than 5feet to10in above grade required a 42in high railing

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