Floating decks are easy to build, and you can make the process even easier by asking the team at Decker’s Deck to help you install one. 

The difference between floating decks and traditional decking is that the supports are hidden under the floating decking with the timber deck boards slight elevated above the ground, yet covering the supports.

Determining your Floating Deck Size

Decide how big you want your floating deck to be. Mark out in your backyard, remember to take down length and width. Using stakes and string, measure out the space for your floating deck.

Preparing the Area

You’ll need to clear the area where you’re planning to install your floating deck. This includes removing grass and all other material. The ground will need to be flat and compacted so that it is hard. A good idea is also to lay some landscaping fabric or plastic and gravel over the area to prevent any grass or weeds growing under the deck.

Placing the Concrete Blocks

Place the concrete blocks in the shape of a rectangle by creating rows of three concrete blocks, depending on the size of your floating deck. Make sure all blocks are level with each other.

Building the Floating Deck Frame

Build the frame and move it into place on the concrete blocks. Build your frame with treated lumber. You’ll need a strong hand positioning the floating Deck frame as the treated lumber will be quite heavy.


Installing the Floating Deck Boards

Start with placing a board in the middle of your floating deck, making sure it sits evenly. Then use a small nail to have evenly spaced gaps throughout your deck boards. Where deck boards meet each joist; use screws 1/4 inch from each side of the decking board. Repeat until your floating deck is completed.

Stain and Seal Floating Decking Boards

Use a paint tray and pour some exterior wood stain into the tray, with your foam paint roller start staining the deck boards. Using a rag, remove any excess stain. Repeat this process until you have achieved your desired look. Now you are ready to start enjoying your new floating deck.

At Decker’s Deck Mississauga, we utilize our specialized design methods of building and designing floating decks. Our specialized team is always ready to work with you, helping to achieve your ideas and creating the perfect floating deck for your backyard.

If you’d like to learn how to build a floating deck call the team at Decker’s Deck Toronto.

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